My husband and I were sitting in the yard this evening looking at the tomatoes and cucumbers that he had just planted and I innocently commented that I might plant some peppers and pumpkins. He just sighed (you know, the kind of long, heavy sigh that implies that someone is frustrated with something) but after much prodding, whining, and nagging he admitted to me what was on his mind. It seems that my husband (who loves and adores me) thinks that I have difficulty finishing projects. I was stunned! "Whatever do you mean, Mr. Fisher?", I inquired sounding shocked AND dismayed. He looked at me as if I had gone crazy and then proceeded to take me on a verbal tour of our house...
- Starting with the privacy fence where I had begun to paint tiny little butterflies, lady bugs, and fireflies (But in my defense, I started this project late in the summer and as it got cooler outside it just seemed silly to be painting warm weather insects and I lost my motivation. But I knew I would finish as soon as it warmed up again and that is why I left all my paints and brushes on the picnic table over the winter).
- He pointed out my half painted kitchen (but that wasn't really my fault either because I completed all the parts of the walls that I could reach and then my knee started acting up and by the time it felt better I couldn't find my painter's tape).
- And then he suggested that maybe I could reuse the painter's tape that is still up in the hallway (after what he says has been a year and a half, but I think he is exaggerating by a few months). I explained that I was still planning on doing a few touch-ups but I had run out of paint and couldn't remember the exact color I had used.
- He also drew attention to the basement steps I'd begun covering in linoleum, my uncompleted salvage of a garden bench, the five different scrapbooks I had started, and our half-painted garage door.
Now I realize that it sounds as if I am a bit flighty and unfocused but nothing could be further from the truth. I am very focused (most of the time) but occasionally something comes along that distracts me, like something shiny or a squirrel or... ooh, a bunny, and then I get excited and focused on something else. It is not my fault that my life is filled with so many damn shiny things!
But after our conversation I realize that my husband may have a point. I am NOT going to plant the peppers and pumpkins and I am going to finish at least one of my projects this weekend... But you know what would be cool? Making a scrapbook of me completing all of the projects. That sounds fun, maybe I'll work on that. I'll let you know what I decide.
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