Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sorry Everybody!

Dear friends,
I feel bad when I cannot provide you with your daily dose of Davis foolishness but tonight LIFE just got in the way. After an extremely busy day at work, I still had to make dinner and pick up my daughter from work. My grandson (4 months old) is sick and I had to stop at the emergency room to make sure he is alright. He will be fine, but it is a Mimi's job to worry too much. And my Nanny (my godmother's mother) is rapidly reaching the end of a very full life - which has me spending way too much time walking down memory lane. So for tonight, I am choosing to put down the computer, count my blessings, and thank god for the wonderful people I have had in my life. I wish you all love and peace and hope that you will keep my Nanny in your prayers.
I promise I will be back tomorrow with something completely and totally ignorant.
XOXO - Davis


  1. OK-No answers, just a comment: you are truly insane & that's what I love about you!

  2. For the record, that comment was about the last post (random questions), not today's post. About today's post-I will keep you in my prayers & I do still love that you're crazy!

  3. Love your posts but you are doing what needs to be done.. Praying for your entire family and if you find nothing funny in life something will pop up and you will always have a funny story to enlighten your readers when you get back to your computer..
